From Orgasmic High to Orgasmic Life

A state of bliss where the sense of self is momentarily lost.

A merging into the vastness, a dissolution into the void.

No more duality, no more separation.

The identity vanishes.

No surprise that so many people are orgasm hunters!

And yet, there is nothing to reach nor to chase.

The orgasmic state is our natural state of sustained expansiveness, of life!

Because we mainly live in contractions, our natural state of expansion becomes a vague memory of a lost Eden.

There are 2 ways of experiencing an orgasm:

- The peak orgasm is the one that is mostly felt; a goal orientated approach of increasing the intensity of sensations, so that it creates a peak of explosion that can propel oneself into the void for some seconds or minutes if lucky. 

This is a pushed approach that is generally followed by a refractory phase.

Everything that rockets up then crashes down. It can be really addictive. 

Explosive – from movement to stillness

- The orgasmic state is less known and experienced because of the qualities of slowness and subtle perception that it requires. It’s an undoing process that leads to a deep feeling of relaxation and expansion in the body. From the dilation of the physical structure, the inner vibration starts flowing and pouring within the body, building slowly but surely a sustainable state of ecstatic waves.

Implosive – from stillness to movement

Those 2 orgasms feel completely different and each have a unique distinct quality.

One is induced and artificial whereas the other one is our natural state of being in openness and receptive to life’s current.

As I constantly repeat to all my clients, it is essential to feel ready to let go of the addiction to peak orgasms to open the gate of perception to the orgasmic state.


Pleasure and Pain are the Opposite Manifestation of the Same Vibration


Your Gift is Your Curse Until it Comes Through Love (Pt 2)