Upcoming Events
All future events that Laura either
leads, co-facilitates or organises

ISTA Niveau 1 - Belgique
Souhaitez-vous approfondir votre intimité et votre connexion à l’énergie sexuelle?
Vous sentez-vous prêt à vous libérer des vieux schémas de conditionnement?
Y a-t-il un manque (ou envie de plus) de passion dans votre Vie, le sentiment qu’il y a autre chose de plus profond, de plus vivant?
Si vous êtes prêt à transformer votre vie, ce stage expérientiel de 8 jours est pour vous.
Ce stage met l’accent sur le nettoyage des corps physique et émotionnel, principalement liés à la honte, la culpabilité et la peur connectée à la sexualité et l’authenticité.

ISTA Level 1 - Northern Rivers, Australia
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

ISTA Niveau 1 - France
Souhaitez-vous approfondir votre intimité et votre connexion à l’énergie sexuelle?
Vous sentez-vous prêt à vous libérer des vieux schémas de conditionnement?
Y a-t-il un manque (ou envie de plus) de passion dans votre Vie, le sentiment qu’il y a autre chose de plus profond, de plus vivant?
Si vous êtes prêt à transformer votre vie, ce stage expérientiel de 8 jours est pour vous.
Ce stage met l’accent sur le nettoyage des corps physique et émotionnel, principalement liés à la honte, la culpabilité et la peur connectée à la sexualité et l’authenticité.

ISTA Livello 1 - Sicilia, Italia (in italiano)
SPIRITUALE... SESSUALE... SCIAMANO... ciascuna di queste tre aree da sola porta con sé un enorme potenziale di liberazione, libertà, amore e gioia, oltre alla carica di ombra e abuso di potere.
Se sei pronto a trasformare la tua vita, questa formazione esperienziale di 7 giorni è per te!
Migliaia di persone in 5 continenti in oltre 40 paesi hanno frequentato i corsi di formazione ISTA negli ultimi 10 anni.
Molti sono stati radicalmente cambiati scoprendo modelli reattivi e trasformandoli in modi di essere consapevoli e più amorevoli.

Shamanic Womb Journey - Samothraki, Greece
A deep dive into the feminine mysteries… for those in female bodies.
In Samothraki, Greece. Lead by Laura & Aya and organised by Mariana.
The source of feminine power is in the heart of matter/mada/mother. This journey is an embodied descent into the dark light of the womb and her ancient primordial wisdom. An activated Womb is alive, pulsating, and an endless depth of love, wisdom and power. The womb and her sacred elixir, the womb blood, creates a portal to the feminine mysteries and a direct connection to the greater She!

Living from the Mystery - Germany
You are invited to this unique experience November 20-24 with Laura Deva and Eugene Hedlund where we will gather a small group of 30 participants to explore the living mystery through the embodied practices of the tantric lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism.
You will be invited to empty your mind of agendas, dissolve expectations and surrender to the arising of the mystery moment to moment.
Although we will use and repeat practices that involve meditation, embodiment, movement, silence, touch… they aren’t the focus, they are here to support the awareness of the formless freedom of being danced by the mystery.

ISTA Level 1 - Iceland
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

Living from the Mystery - Switzerland
You are invited to this unique experience this January 24-27 with Laura Deva and Eugene Hedlund where we will gather a small group of only 20 participants to explore the living mystery through the embodied practices of the tantric lineage of Kashmiri Shaivism.
You will be invited to empty your mind of agendas, dissolve expectations and surrender to the arising of the mystery moment to moment.
Although we will use and repeat practices that involve meditation, embodiment, movement, silence, touch… they aren’t the focus, they are here to support the awareness of the formless freedom of being danced by the mystery.

ISTA Level 1 - Thurgau, Switzerland
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

Tantra Festival Switzerland, Twann
You are invited to join us in Twann, Switzerland from Oct 23rd until 27th for a five days of inspiring and life changing workshops, as an incredible team of top facilitators of Tantra, Shamanism, Yoga & Conscious Movement offer you the opportunity to explore and celebrate life in ways you may have never imagined possible!

ISTA Livello 1 - Sicilia, Italia (in italiano)
SPIRITUALE... SESSUALE... SCIAMANO... ciascuna di queste tre aree da sola porta con sé un enorme potenziale di liberazione, libertà, amore e gioia, oltre alla carica di ombra e abuso di potere.
Se sei pronto a trasformare la tua vita, questa formazione esperienziale di 7 giorni è per te!
Migliaia di persone in 5 continenti in oltre 40 paesi hanno frequentato i corsi di formazione ISTA negli ultimi 10 anni.
Molti sono stati radicalmente cambiati scoprendo modelli reattivi e trasformandoli in modi di essere consapevoli e più amorevoli.

ISTA Level 1 - Island Brač, Croatia
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

Shamanic Womb Journey - Samothraki, Greece
A deep dive into the feminine mysteries… for those in female bodies.
In Samothraki, Greece. Lead by triade Laura/Aya/Diana for the very first time since Janine released the work in 2022.
The source of feminine power is in the heart of matter/mada/mother. This journey is an embodied descent into the dark light of the womb and her ancient primordial wisdom. An activated Womb is alive, pulsating, and an endless depth of love, wisdom and power. The womb and her sacred elixir, the womb blood, creates a portal to the feminine mysteries and a direct connection to the greater She!

Holy Ground - Samothraki, Greece
Holy Ground is a journey into the mysteries of matter and the primordial dark, as a prayer and offering to the emerging temples on the planet. Each Holy Ground offering will be a unique expression, upwelling and co creation with the frequencies of the land with which we are journeying.
Holy Ground - Samothraki is a 7 day pilgrimage in the magical Greek Island of Samothraki. Exploring the mystical trails of the original Greek mystery Schools through waterfalls, forests, rivers, mountains, caves and trails and going deep into the earth codes of this holy land. A journey of deep listening, communion and revelation.

ISTA Niveau 1 - France
Souhaitez-vous approfondir votre intimité et votre connexion à l’énergie sexuelle?
Vous sentez-vous prêt à vous libérer des vieux schémas de conditionnement?
Y a-t-il un manque (ou envie de plus) de passion dans votre Vie, le sentiment qu’il y a autre chose de plus profond, de plus vivant?
Si vous êtes prêt à transformer votre vie, ce stage expérientiel de 8 jours est pour vous.
Ce stage met l’accent sur le nettoyage des corps physique et émotionnel, principalement liés à la honte, la culpabilité et la peur connectée à la sexualité et l’authenticité.

Tantra Festival Switzerland, Twann
You are invited to join us in Twann, Switzerland from June 12th until 16th for a five days of inspiring and life changing workshops, as an incredible team of top facilitators of Tantra, Shamanism, Yoga & Conscious Movement offer you the opportunity to explore and celebrate life in ways you may have never imagined possible!

ISTA Level 1 - Alto Paraiso, Brazil
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

Introduction to the Feminine Mysteries - St.Maurice, Switzerland
Week end in English & French
Plongez au cœur de la sagesse féminine avec ce week-end de retraite immersive, "Les Mystères Féminins". Cette expérience transformatrice est méticuleusement conçue pour éveiller votre essence à travers un mélange de rituels anciens, de pratiques d'incarnation/embodiement et d'exploration des archétypes féminins.
Grâce aux arts sacrés du rituel, aux cérémonies du cacao et au dé-voilement par l'art photographique, cette retraite offre un sanctuaire pour une connexion profonde, la guérison et l'ancrage de son pouvoir.

Souveraine & Créatrice - Sommet en ligne
Souveraine & Créatrice, c’est avant tout une vision. La vision d’un monde d’êtres libres et créateurs qui sont les architectes de leur vie.
Cette immersion en ligne te propose à travers une série de masterclasses et de pratiques guidées un chemin, un parcours pour te guider à éveiller ta puissance innée et intrinsèque que est déjà en toi.
Souveraine & Créatrice, c’est un espace de révélation, un espace qui t’invite et te guide à peler une à une les couches qui te coupent de ton intuition, de la partie en toi qui sait.
Durant les 5 jours de cette immersion en ligne, 24 intervenant(e)s vont partager avec toi leur approche et leurs outils pour te guider vers plus de liberté, de souveraineté et d’expression créatrice dans ta vie

ISTA Level 1 - Guatemala
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

ISTA Level 1 - New Delhi, India
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

ISTA Level 2 - Bavaria, Germany
Level 2 (SSSIn) guides you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
ISTA’s initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.

ISTA Level 1 - Thurgau, Switzerland
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

VOID - Falling through the Mystery - Estonia
VOID is a journey into the dark.
It will feel as if literally you’d be walking in full darkness, not having any reference for any movements, so that you can’t but give yourself to the mystery that only reveals through an authentic act of surrender.
You will be invited to empty your mind of agendas, dissolve expectations and surrender to the arising of the mystery moment to moment.
Although we will use and repeat practices that involve meditation, embodiment, movement, silence, touch… they aren’t the focus, they are here to support the awareness of the formless freedom of being danced by the mystery.

VOID - Online Masterclass
Join us for a special 2-hour free masterclass, an introduction into the practice of Tandava - the dance of eternal freedom.

ISTA Niveau 2 - France
Le niveau 2 (SSSIn) vous guide à travers une série d'auto-initiations qui disent adieu aux anciens schémas de relation et ancrent l'identité dans le moi profond qui est déjà libre, intrinsèquement aimant et dynamiquement créatif dans le monde.
L'initiation ISTA apporte les enseignements et les expériences que nous n'avons pas reçus autour de notre spiritualité, notre rapport au transpersonnel et son intégration au personnel et à l'universel.

ISTA Niveau 1 - France
Souhaitez-vous approfondir votre intimité et votre connexion à l’énergie sexuelle?
Vous sentez-vous prêt à vous libérer des vieux schémas de conditionnement?
Y a-t-il un manque (ou envie de plus) de passion dans votre Vie, le sentiment qu’il y a autre chose de plus profond, de plus vivant?
Si vous êtes prêt à transformer votre vie, ce stage expérientiel de 8 jours est pour vous.
Ce stage met l’accent sur le nettoyage des corps physique et émotionnel, principalement liés à la honte, la culpabilité et la peur connectée à la sexualité et l’authenticité.

ISTA Level 2 - Italy
Level 2 (SSSIn) guides you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
ISTA’s initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.

Holy Ground - South of France
Holy Ground is a journey into the mysteries of matter and the primordial dark, as a prayer and offering to the emerging temples on the planet. Each Holy Ground offering will be a unique expression, upwelling and co creation with the frequencies of the land with which we are journeying.
Holy Ground - France is a 9 day pilgrimage with Janine Ma-Ree exploring the Magdalene mysteries, caves and trails, and going deep into the earth codes of the South of France.

Tantra Festival Switzerland
You are invited to join us in Twann, Switzerland from June 21st until 25th for a five days of inspiring and life changing workshops, as an incredible team of top facilitators of Tantra, Shamanism, Yoga & Conscious Movement offer you the opportunity to explore and celebrate life in ways you may have never imagined possible!

CONTACT - Menthières, France
Durant ces 3 jours, nous laisserons surgir ce qui veut émerger de la rencontre entre deux animateurs, Laura Deva et Clément de Senarclens, et le groupe de participants qui se formera pour l'occasion.
Nous chercherons d’abord à établir un contact avec nous-même (notre corps et tout ce qu’il renferme) pour ensuite pouvoir aller à la rencontre de l’Autre en nous laissant guider par le mystère qui se révèle à chaque instant.
Cette retraite inclura des moments de danse libre, des explorations guidées seules, à deux ou en groupe, des moments de partage, mais aussi des temps en silence et en contact avec la nature!

ISTA Level 2 - Iceland
Level 2 (SSSIn) guides you through a series of self initiations that say goodbye to old patterns of relating and anchor the identity in the deep self that is already free, inherently loving and dynamically creative in the world.
ISTA’s initiation provides the teachings and experiences we didn’t receive around our spirituality, our relationship with the transpersonal and its integration with the personal and universal.

ISTA Niveau 1 - France
Souhaitez-vous approfondir votre intimité et votre connexion à l’énergie sexuelle?
Vous sentez-vous prêt à vous libérer des vieux schémas de conditionnement?
Y a-t-il un manque (ou envie de plus) de passion dans votre Vie, le sentiment qu’il y a autre chose de plus profond, de plus vivant?
Si vous êtes prêt à transformer votre vie, ce stage expérientiel de 8 jours est pour vous.
Ce stage met l’accent sur le nettoyage des corps physique et émotionnel, principalement liés à la honte, la culpabilité et la peur connectée à la sexualité et l’authenticité.

ISTA Level 1 - Finland
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.

VOID - Falling through the Mystery - Finland
VOID is a journey into the dark.
It will feel as if literally you’d be walking in full darkness, not having any reference for any movements, so that you can’t but give yourself to the mystery that only reveals through an authentic act of surrender.
You will be invited to empty your mind of agendas, dissolve expectations and surrender to the arising of the mystery moment to moment.
Although we will use and repeat practices that involve meditation, embodiment, movement, silence, touch… they aren’t the focus, they are here to support the awareness of the formless freedom of being danced by the mystery.

ISTA Level 1 - Portugal
SPIRITUAL... SEXUAL... SHAMANIC... each of these three areas alone carries enormous potential for liberation, freedom, love, and joy, as well as charge for shadow and misuse of power.
If you are ready to transform your life, this experiential 7-day training is for you!
Thousands of people on 5 continents in over 40 countries have attended ISTA trainings over the past 10 years.
Many have been radically changed by uncovering reactive patterns and transforming them into conscious and more loving ways of being.