Pleasure and Pain are the Opposite Manifestation of the Same Vibration


Vibration that is locked through contraction creates pain.

Vibration that flows through expansion creates pleasure.

Imagine if we were taught since a young age that any pain is an opportunity to open a gateway to ecstasy!

How different would our experience of life have been?

No more chronic pain, no more traumatic childbirth, no more depression, no more grief, no more resistance!

“The floor is hard only because you resist it.”

When pain comes, our automatic and conditioned response is to numb it in order not to feel what we identify as unpleasant. 

Longing and seeking for those moments of pleasure that we identify as pleasant and that can’t coexist in a dual reality.

What if duality is the distorted perception of wholeness? .

In that case pain and pleasure not only could coexist but would merge into each other and just be what they are: vibration.

Feel the pain, breathe it, voice it, dive deep into it, descend into it, until what only remains is the essence without your opinion of it.

Vibration that hasn’t been identified and locked into one or the other polarity, pleasure or pain, is free of existence and is felt as ECSTASY, the only current of life.


Femme Fatale


From Orgasmic High to Orgasmic Life