The Dilemma of the Modern Woman - for “Dare to Love” Podcast

For her podcast DARE TO LOVE, Nalaya Chakana and I talked about the dilemma of the modern woman, which was a topic we both trembled to speak about as it touches deep shadowy roots of unspoken collective shame.

Do you want a child or a career? So many women prioritize one or the other and end up feeling incomplete.

The dilemma of the modern woman is exactly that.

Spirit VS Matter

We don’t wanna sacrifice our purpose and disappear in the role of motherhood.

Simultaneously, a lot of women in their mid-thirties will feel pressure to pursue a very primal and intimate desire of starting a family. What would the rest of your life look like without it?

How do we navigate these existential questions is very unique these days.


I've met Nalaya over a decade ago and witnessing her blossom during this time as been as watching the most radiant flower blossoms.

She is a love warrior who helps women find true love in the same way she has opened the longing of her heart to manifest a healthy and long lasting relationship and family.

This coming Saturday (July 1st) her 6-week journey DARE TO LOVE will begin.

If you are ready to break relational patterns, open your heart and be in alignment with the longing of your heart - here’s how to find Nalaya:

⚡ IG: nalaya_chakana
⚡ her website:
⚡ DARE TO LOVE Podcast: All episodes


Navigating Rites of passage - for the ISTA Podcast