Ecstatic Menopause
Online Course (enrol anytime)
The feminine has 3 powerful blood initiations, her first menstrual blood, giving birth (physical or energetic) and transformation of the moon blood to internal wisdom - menopause. A shamanic initiation of fire.
Menopause is supposed to be about clearing old beliefs, transforming life and changing what isn’t working. Being confronted with unresolved issues from the past that have been pushed down and repressed. An awakening of Kundalini through hot flashes and burning to clear the pathway to the crown.
But what of the women that have already been on this path. Women that have experienced many years of clearing work, shamanic initiations, deepening ritually with their blood each month and consciously integrating the shadows that emerge. Women whose Kundalini is already awake and flowing through the crown.
Is it possible that just like the potential of ecstatic menstruation, ecstatic birth and ecstatic death there is also ecstatic menopause?
Is this where instead of needing the earth to nourish and mother us, we move more fully into earth lover and wisdom keeper. An ecstatic lover relationship with the earth and its mysteries. A place of eldership and maturity fully weaned off mothers milk. A lot is known about the maiden and mother archetypes. The more hidden and forbidden are the mature archetypes of the feminine that collectively make up the crone. Archetypes like the Medicine Woman, Wise Woman, Creative Muse, Eccentric Adventurer, Wild Witch, Mystic Lover, Juicy Crone, Bone Woman and Death Hag.
“Ecstatic Menopause” Online course is a journey into menopause as a shamanic initiation. It is an invitation to demystify and transform this rite of passage from the old stories and experiences. A combination of sharing and experiential to invoke meet and embody the ecstatic crone energies. To create new reference points of juicy, alive, vibrant, embodied wise women who have integrated the crone archetype into their being and the gifts she holds and offers.
The intention is for you to deepen with the shamanic aspect of this initiation. And for this to be a potent journey into ecstatic menopause and crone initiation.
“Even though I am 67 and went through the menopause 20 years ago I found it amazing and sense it will be completley life changing for me. Janines integrity, vibrance and commitment to supporting women of this age to blossom, shine and fully live was palpable throughout. The structure of the course is brilliant, taking me in more deeply as it progressed with amazing shamanic vibrational journeys and connection to the land. Finally I now fully understand the sacredness, depth, beauty and power of this portal to elder womanhood and will be forever grateful.”
- Annee Bury
Who this is for:
Women in their menopausal years wanting to dive into the archetypal mysteries of the crone and ecstatic menopause. A time to share, explore, descend and deepen in ritual space.
Women of all age willing to prepare for their menopausal years.
Please honour this offering by only enrolling if:
You are in your menopausal years
You are wanting to prepare for your menopausal years
You are willing to create the time and space to be fully present and immersed in this offering.
You are feeling the womb call from deep in your being
You are in integrity with the energy exchange of this transmission by not sharing wider than yourself if doing a solo journey, or with a group that has come together to do this journey together with an extra 10% tithe for each woman in the group circle.
Do not enrol in this online course if:
You want to scroll through because you are curious
You are a facilitator and want to scroll through to get ideas to put into your own work
You want to download it and share it with others so they can avoid paying the energy exchange without going into a group journey with you.
When you examine your motives they are not in full integrity with the above agreements
Video transmissions
Embodiment practices
Shamanic journeys
Land journeys
Womb meditation
“This course is the greatest gift I could have given myself. It was such a deep privilege to take this journey whilst still in my early menopausal years and able to reframe the initiation as the powerful portal that it is. It’s not the first time I’ve worked with Janine and it certainly won’t be the last. It’s hard to explain the magnitude of what this woman holds and shares. She is maiden, mother, crone, witch, shaman extraodinaire paving a new way, being the change in the world we so need.”
- Caroline Moore
Meet Your Guide
Janine Ma-Ree has been facilitating transformational spaces for over 25 years. She supports people to live a life of spiritual embodiment, shadow integration, wild innocence, radical love and an ecstatic resonance anchored in the dark beyond polarity. She has a passion for the mysteries of matter, the shamanic and the path of the mystic.
A few years ago Janine founded Red Earth Temple, a living temple of activated wild land. The land is her teacher, her muse and co creator.
She created the Shamanic Womb Journey work, is lead faculty at International School of Temple Arts and serves in Wisdom Circle, lead facilitator at Highden Mystery School, and creates/co creates other offerings as they emerge.
Janine draws on 30 years experience in wholistic health as a practitioner, presenter and facilitator as well as the many mentors, guides, teachers and experiences that she has been gifted on her life’s path.
Ad Dip App Sc (Nat), post graduate courses in Bioenergetic Medicine, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Hawaiian School of Tantra, Shamanic Temple Arts, Sacred Sexuality and Sexual healing, Pomegranate Grove Priestesshood Sacred Mystery School and Initiation Centre.
One single payment
Unlimited access
You can purchase this course for yourself and take it as a solo journey, or you can purchase it as a group. If you are enrolling as a group, follow the next instructions.
If you decide to enrol in Ecstatic Menopause online course as an in person group, there is an additional cost of 10% tithe for each additional woman
(31€ per woman).
This apply ONLY if you are going to journey as an in person group. If you are not then we would like each of you to purchase its individual access.
- First, purchase the course itself (button above)
- then add the number of women that will be journeying together with you. (button bellow)
Thank you for your integrity!
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