The Birth of Venus

Venus can’t be rushed or pushed out. 

She can only be born from feeling safe and held in softness (she was born of sea foam). Her gifts to the world are beauty, purity, fertility, sensuality, compassion and real love. Coming from her radical self-care and self-love. 

She knows no compromise with her heart and if she can’t be met in it, she disappears.

The reality is that she holds herself in such a pure love, that those who can’t meet her there disappear.

As I continue journeying into softness and relaxation of my nervous system, Venus is birthing from the waters to my heart. I can now hear her enchanting voice, feel her enticing beauty and be nourished by her endless compassion. 

She requested that I let go of contractions in my body, so she can land completely into the space that is created there.

She asked me to let go of my two most alive attachments that have created so many contractions in my body these past years, blocking me from hearing and feeling her. 

- My attachment to stay permanently in Australia.

- My attachment to my ex-partner 

So here we are, Venus and I offering to the waters what prevented me from fully being her, being love.

As our relationship evolves toward melting into each other, she shows me how to fully love myself, in all my choices from major to minor. 

Teaching me that my body is the gateway to her. To breathe at the first sign of contraction to keep the space for Her to be, free. She said that if any situation or relationship wouldn’t let me breathe freely and create rigidity in my body, I should leave and keep choosing Love.

Desires, illusions, ambitions, power… none are worth it if they create contractions in my body, as this causes the Goddess to abandon Her temple. 

If She isn’t alive within, Love can't exist.

I am so sad to witness within myself and all around me (friends, family and strangers), ruins of what once upon a time was the temple of the Goddess.

The return of the Goddess within all of us: women and men, is the only remedy to the sickness of our age.




Reverence to the Dark Goddess